Confessions of a Hostie & More Confessions of a Hostie By Danielle Hugh




The idea of becoming an air hostess was something that crossed my mind a lot when I was younger. I will admit that I was a very fortunate child. I spent a lot of my time travelling and have flown first class many times, where I was looked after and fussed over by gorgeous and glossy flight attendants with impeccable sophistication and mega-watt smiles. I wanted in – it all looked so glamourous.

My Father, who at the time worked with a lot of airlines (and travelled a lot as a result) strongly advised against it. I wasn’t sure why, but I knew to heed his advice, as all other crazy ideas and pursuits I’ve conjured up over the last few years have been welcomed with bottomless support and encouragement. None of my friends (or even acquaintances) ever pursued a life in the sky either, so without hearing stories or any first hand experiences of this alternative profession, I sometimes still wondered with a tiny bit of disappointment what it would be like. Since reading Danielle Hugh’s honest and sometimes gruesome account of life as an international flight attendant, I wonder no more.

Danielle is a air hostess who has encountered some unbelievable situations and in-flight passengers and lets us in these unimaginable experiences in her book, Confessions of a Hostie. I’ll admit that when I first started reading this book, Danielle was so honest with her sharp tongue that I felt I was thrown right in with her straight-talking ways, but soon grew to like her and admired her professional attitude toward her job and her patience toward some passengers I don’t think anybody could handle. This book is story after story in an almost diary-esque layout of not only the hilarious passenger stories but also plenty about her friends and foes within her airline crew, 5 star hotels, dream destinations and some seriously enviable shopping meccas. Although the sassy Danielle doesn’t mince her words, this book makes for light reading and will certainly make you smile and get your through a few commutes to work, or possibly only one – I finished this book in one day.


After the success of Confessions of a Hostie, Danielle is back with More Confessions of a Hostie – The Second Sector. The sequel was released early November and I’m glad I got to review it, as I just knew with all the years of flight attendant experience that she would have a whole lot more to tell! A lot of the characters from the first book are back and in my opinion I enjoyed this book more, as I felt I knew everyone who makes an appearance personally, especially Danielle. That being said, if you ever find yourself with only a copy of the sequel, you can still jump (or should I say fly?) right in and enjoy the madness. I found that in both books, Danielle manages to balance both the pain and pleasure of her job in her account in both books. I have a feeling Danielle has more to say, so hopefully there will be a new book in the new year or in the near future between her round the clock job – this woman never stops!


Both Hostie books are available on Amazon, both here and here. Thank you to Monsoon publishing for sending me the books to review.

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